Course: Ncert Class 10 - History -India and the ...


Ncert Class 10 - History -India and the Contemporary World II.

Text lesson

Points to Remember -Class 10 – Social Science – History -Chapter 4 : The Age of Industrialisation

Class 10 – Social Science – History -Points to Remember -Chapter 4 : The Age of Industrialisation

1. Orient-The countries of the East especially East Asia

2. Capital-That part of money when invested is used for trade purpose.

3. Socialism- Where factors of production are held by the government.

4. Spenning Jenny-Invented by James Hargreaves in 1764. It accelerated production.

5. Staples: A person who ‘Staples’ or sorts wool according to fibre.

6. Fuller: A person who ‘Fulls’ that it gathers cloth by pleating.

7. Carding: The process in when fibres such as cotton or wool are prepared prior to spinning.

8. Fly shuttle was a mechanical device used for weaving moved by means of ropes and pullies.

9. First Jute Mill was established in Calcutica, in India

10. James Watt invented Steam Engine.

11. In India first cotton mill eastablished in 1854.

12. Portuguese were the first Europeans to come India.

Inventor Inventors

1. Fly Shuttle 1. John Kay

2. Steam Engine 2. New Come an and James Watt

3. Spinning Jenny 3. James Hargreave