Course: Ncert Class 10 - science - Biology


Ncert Class 10 - science - Biology

Text lesson

Self Assessment -Class 10 -Science- Biology-Chapter 6 – Control and Coordination

Class 10 -Science-Self Assessment – Biology-Chapter 6 – Control and Coordination

Very Short Answer

Q1. Mention one important function of gibberellins.

Q2. Name the plant hormone that promotes cell division.

Q3. Whatis reflex action?

Q4.. Whatis synapse?

Q5. Which part of the brain maintains the posture and balance of the body?

Q6. Name the two sets of nerves that constitute the  peripheral nervous system.

Short Answer

Q1. Distinguish between gigantism and dwarfism.

Q2. Differentiate between the functions of sensory and motor nerves.

Q3. Why are diabetes patients treated by insulin injections?

Q4. Whyis the use of iodised salt advisable?

Q5.. What is a nerve impulse? Which structure in a neuron helps to conduct a nerve impulse

(i) towards the cell body and

(ii) away from the body?

 Q6. Name one hormone secreted by

 (a) the testis

 (b) the islets of Langerhans

 (c) the thyroid gland

 (d) the ovary

Long Answer

Q1. Briefly describe the structure of the neuron.

Q2. Explain with an example how a reflex action takes place

Q3. (a) Draw the structure of a neuron and label its

 nucleus, dendrite, cyton and axon.

 (b) Name that part of a neuron

 (i) which receives stimulus

 (ii) which transmits impulse

 Q4. (a) What is (i) phototropism and (ii) geotropism?

 Give an activity supported by labelled diagrams to

 show that light and gravity affect the direction of

 plant growth.

 (b) Mention the role of the following plant

 hormones. (i) Auxin (ii) Abscisic acid