Course: Ncert Class10 -Geography - Contemporary ...


Ncert Class10 -Geography - Contemporary India II

Text lesson

Points to Remember-Class 10 – Social Science -Geography-Chapter 5 Minerals and Energy Resources

Class 10- Points to Remember-5- Minerals and Energy Resources

Mineral: A substance which is found in the earth’s crust and which generally has a definite chemical composition.

Mineral Ore: It is the raw material extracted from the earth mixed with soil and other impurities.

Mining: It is an economic activity of extracting minerals from the earth

Fossil-Fuels: There are fuels formed by the decomposition of organism under the earth or sea bed.

Non ferrous minerals: Minerals devoid of iron contents are termed as non ferrous minerals. e.g. Zinc, lead.

Ferrous Minerals: There are metals which contain Iron. e.g. Iron and Manganese ore.

Thermal electricity: The electricity produced by using coal,petroleum, atomic minerals.

Hydro electricity: The electricity generated by water.

Conventional resources: These are non renewable sources of energy.e.g. coal.

Non-Conventional resources: There are renewable sources of energy. e.g. solar energy.

Galena : It is an Ore of Lead.