Course: Ncert-Class 10 - Science - Physics


Ncert-Class 10 - Science - Physics

Text lesson

Short Answer – Class 10 -Science-Physics-Chapter13: Magnetic Effects Of Electric Current

Class 10 -Science-Short Answer – Physics-Chapter13: Magnetic Effects Of Electric Current

Q1. What is the nature of magnetic field produced by a straight current carrying circular coil? Explain with the help of an experiment.

Ans : Bend a wire in the shape of a circular loop. Pass the coil through a cardboard. Connect the free ends of the coil to a battery and a key.

Sprinkle some iron filings on the cardboard. Put on the key you will find that the iron filings arrange themselves in the form of concentric circles.

The magnetic lines of forces near each segment of wire are circular and form concentric circles, whereas the lines of force near the centre of the coil are almost straight lines.

The right hand thumb rule predicts the direction of this magnetic field it states “Grasp the conductor in the right hand with the thumb pointing in the direction of current, and then the direction in which the fingers curl gives the direction of the magnetic field.”

Q2. Explain what is short-circuiting and overloading in an electric supply.

Ans :When live wire and neutral wire come in contact with each other short circuit takes place. This may be due to fault in electric circuit or when insulation of wire is damaged.

During the short circuiting current increases abruptly due to decrease in resistance in the circuit. This short circuiting leads the spark and house may catch fire.

Over loading means to draw the current by all electric appliances in the circuit more than maximum permitted value of the current, overloading also leads the heating of wires which may damage the insulation of wires.

Q3. Why is series arrangement not used for domestic circuits?

Ans : In domestic circuits, all appliances are connected in parallel not in series because

a. In series combination same current is passed through each appliances whereas they may need different current.

b. If one appliance fails to work then circuit will be broken and all other appliances will stop to work.

c. If one appliance is switched off others also will stop working i.e. all appliance will work together whether we require it or not.

d. In series combination total potential difference is divided among all appliances in proportion to their resistance. So all appliance will not get required voltage to operate efficiently.

Q4. Explain what is short-circuiting and overloading in an electric supply.

Ans :When live wire and neutral wire come in contact with each other short circuit takes place. This may be due to fault in electric circuit or when insulation of wire is damaged.

During the short circuiting current increases abruptly due to decrease in resistance in the circuit. This short circuiting leads the spark and house may catch fire.

Over loading means to draw the current by all electric appliances in the circuit more than maximum permitted value of the current, overloading also leads the heating of wires which may damage the insulation of wires.