SAT Statistics and Data Analysis rate & measurements Statistics and Data Analysis : SAT Test - Part 2The quiz consists of 200 questions, and the user will be presented with a unique set of 10 questions in each session for a diverse experiencePlease note that answers cannot be deselected once chosen in the quiz, so make your choices carefully for an optimal testing experience.Each question is meticulously crafted to mirror the complexity and diversity of problem-solving you'll encounter in the SAT.Use it as a targeted practice tool to identify and address specific areas of improvement.Track your progress and see your proficiency grow. 1. On a map, 1 inch represents 5 miles. If a certain state is represented on a map by a rectangle 10 inches by 7.2 inches, what is the area of the statein square miles? 720 mi² 1080 mi² 360 mi² 1800 mi² None 2. A plumber works twice as fast as his apprentice. After the plumber hasworked alone for 3 hours, his apprentice joins him and workingtogether they complete the job 4 hours later. How many hours would ithave taken the plumber to do the entire job by himself? 12 9 14 18 None 3. A freight train and a passenger train start toward each other at the sametime from two towns that are 500 miles apart. After 3 hours, the trainsare still 80 miles apart. If the average rate of speed of the passengertrain is 20 miles per hour faster than the average rate of speed of thefreight train, what is the average rate of speed, in miles per hour, of thefreight train? 50 45 60 40 None 4. At a party, six 1-liter bottles of soda are completely emptied into 8-ounce cups. What is the least number of cups that are needed? [Thereare approximately 1.1 quarts in 1 liter.]write answer in numbers only 5. . On a certain map, 1 inch represents 2 kilometers. A region is locatedon the map that is 1.5 inches by 4.0 inches. What is the actual area ofthe region in square miles if 1 kilometer is equal to 0.6 mile?write answer in decimal numbers only 6. A certain generator will run for 1.5 hours on one liter of gas. If the gastank has the shape of a rectangular box that is 25 cm by 20 cm by16 cm, how long will the generator run on a full tank of gas? [1 liter =1,000 cubic centimeters]write answer in numbers only 7. An eye medication that is used to treat increased pressure inside theeye is packaged in 2.5 milliliter bottles. During the manufacturingprocess, a 10 decaliter capacity bin is used to fill the bottles. If 1decaliter is equivalent to 10 liters and 1 liter is equivalent to 1,000milliliters, what is the maximum number of bottles that can be filled? 2.5 × 10^3 4 x 10 ^ 5 4 x 10 ^ 4 2.5 × 10^2 None 8. Joseph typed a 1,200-word essay in 25 minutes with an average of 240words on a page. At this rate, how many 240-word pages can he typein 1 hour? 13 11 14 12 None 9. Steve is going to paint a wall that measures 9 feet by 12 feet. If one gallon of paint is needed for each s square foot of wall and each gallon costs g dollars, in terms of s and g how much does it cost to paint the entire wall? gs/108 108s/g 108/gs 108g/s None 10. A freight train left a station at 12 noon, going north at a rate of 50miles per hour. At 1:00 P.M. a passenger train left the same station,going south at a rate of 60 miles per hour. At what time were the trains380 miles apart? 5:00 P.M. 4:30 P.M. 4:00 P.M. 3:00 P.M. None 11. Jonathan drove to the airport to pick up his friend. A rainstorm forcedhim to drive at an average speed of 45 miles per hour, reaching theairport in 3 hours. He drove back home at an average speed of 55 milesper hour. How long, to the nearest tenth of an hour, did the trip hometake him? 3.7 hours 2.5 hours 2.0 hours 2.8 hours None 12. Concrete is made by mixing cement, sand, and gravel in the ratio 5 : 9 : 13. How much cementis needed to make 324 ft² of concrete? 60 ft² 84 ft² 108 ft² 45 ft² None 13. If four pens cost €1.96, what is the greatest number of pens that can bepurchased for €7.68? 15 14 12 16 None 14. One knot is one nautical mile per hour, and one nautical mile is 6,080feet. If a cruiser ship has an average speed of 3.5 knots, how many feetdoes the ship travel in 24 minutes? 8812 8312 8512 8412 None 15. Together there are 754 students and teachers inthe meeting. If the ratio of students to teachersis 27 : 2 , how many teachers are there? 64 46 52 58 None 16. A star constellation is approximately 3.1 × 10^4 light years from Earth.One light year is about 5.9 × 10 ^12 miles. What is the approximatedistance, in miles, between Earth and the constellation? 1.9 × 10^8 1.83 × 10^17 9.0 × 10^49 9.0 × 10^16 None 17. The distance from Earth to Mars is 136,000,000 miles. A spacecrafttravels at an average speed of 28,500 kilometers per hour. Determine,to the nearest day, how long it will take the spacecraft to reach Mars.[1 kilometer = 0.6 miles]write answer in numbers only (round off) 18. A trail mix contains raisin, peanut, and chocolate. The ratio of raisin to peanut is 2:3 and the ratioof peanut to chocolate is 5:8 . What is the ratioof raisin to chocolate? 3/14 4/17 2/13 5/12 None 19. Fruit for a dessert costs €1.20 a pound. If 5 pounds of fruit are neededto make a dessert that serves 18 people, what is the cost of the fruitneeded to make enough of the same dessert to serve 24 people? 9.00 6.78 7.05 8.00 None 20. Which expression represents 72 kilometers per hour expressed asmeters per hour? 10² 7.2 X 10^-2 7.2 X 10^2 7.2 X 10^-3 7.2 X 10^4 None 21. On a certain map, 1.5 inches represent a distance of 120 miles. If twocities on this map are 1 foot apart, what is the distance, in miles,between the cities? 180 1080 960 480 None 22. If Andy drove 84 miles in 1 hour 45 minutes, how many miles can he drive in 5 hours? 320 130 140 240 None 23. If the mass of a proton is \( 1.67 × 10^{-24}\) gram, what is the number ofgrams in the mass of 1,000 protons? 1.67 X 10 ^ -21 1.67 X 10 ^ -23 1.67 X 10 ^ -22 1.67 X 10 ^ -27 None 24. A printing press produces 4,600 flyers per hour. At this rate, in howmany minutes can the same printing press produce 920 flyers? 12 11 13 10 None 25. One machine can seal 360 packages per hour, and an older machinecan seal 140 packages per hour. How many MINUTES will the twomachines working together take to seal a total of 700 packages? 72 84 90 48 None 26. A man drove to work at an average rate of speed of 60 miles per hourand returned over the same route driving at an average rate of speed of40 miles per hour. If his total driving time was 1 hour, what was thetotal number of miles in the round trip? 12 24 48 30 None 27. A collection of quarters, dimes, and nickels is worth €5.00. If the ratio of quarters to dimes to nickels is 2:4:7 , how many quarters are there? 9 1 3 8 None 28. Two pipes of different diameters may be used to fill a swimming pool.The pipe with the larger diameter working alone can fill the swimmingpool 1.25 times faster than the other pipe when it works alone. Onehour after the larger pipe is opened, the smaller pipe is opened, and theswimming pool is filled 5 hours later. Which equation could be used tofind the number of hours, x, it would take for the larger pipe to fill thepool working alone?$$(A)\left ( \frac{1}{1.25x} \right )5+\left ( \frac{1}{x} \right )6 =1$$$$(B)\left ( \frac{1}{x} \right )5+\left ( \frac{1}{1.25x} \right )6 =1$$$$(C)\left ( \frac{x}{5} \right )1.25+\left ( \frac{x}{6} \right ) =1$$$$(D)\left ( \frac{x}{5} \right )+\left ( \frac{x}{6} \right )1.25 =1$$ D A B C None 29. A sprinter who can run the 40-yard dash in 4.5 seconds converts hisspeed into miles per hour, using the product above. Which fraction inthe product is incorrectly written to convert his speed? 5280ft/1ml 60sec/1 min 3ft/1yd 60 min/1hr None 30. A motor boat traveling at 18 miles per hour traveled the length of alake in one-quarter of an hour less time than it took when traveling at12 miles per hour. What was the length in miles of the lake? 12 9 6 15 None Time's up Please Share This Share this content Opens in a new window Opens in a new window Opens in a new window Opens in a new window Opens in a new window Opens in a new window Opens in a new window Opens in a new window Opens in a new window Opens in a new window Leave a Reply Cancel replyCommentEnter your name or username to commentEnter your email address to commentEnter your website URL (optional) Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment.