Ncert-class 11-chemistry – unit 9- Hydrocarbons Welcome to your Ncert-class 11-chemistry - unit 9- Hydrocarbons 1. in the Wurtz reaction method of preparation of alkanes, the stoichiometric coefficient of Sodium is 3 1 5 2 None 2. in cycloalkanes carbon atoms form a open coiled chain a zigzag chain a an open chain a closed chain or a ring None 3. The number of possible conformational isomers of ethane is One Infinite Two zero None 4. Halogenation of alkanes is a Rearrangement reaction Addition reaction Elimination reaction Substitution reaction None 5. The ratio of sigma and pi bonds in benzene is : 2:3 6:1 4:1 1:1 None 6. Which of the following has the lowest boiling point? 2,2-Dimethylpropane 2-Methylbutane 2-Methylpropane n-pentane None 7. boiling point of alkanes increases with increase in molecular mass decreases with increase in molecular mass is independent of branching is independent of molecular mass None 8. On monochlorination of 2−methylbutane, the total number of chiral compounds formed is: 8 4 6 2 None 9. The IUPAC name of the following compound is:$$CH_{2}=CH-CH(CH_{3})_{2}$$ 1,1-dimethyl-2-propene 2-vinyl propane 1-isopropyl ethylene 3-methyl-1-butene None 10. Aromatic hydrocarbons are the derivatives : Methane Alkanes Paraffins Benzene None 11. Which of these fuels given below is not a hydrocarbon? Hydrogen LPG LNG CNG None 12. Which of the following reacts with water to give ethane? $$CH_{4}$$ $$C_{2}H_{5}OC$$ $$C_{2}H_{5}MgBr$$ $$C_{2}H_{5}OH$$ None 13. The final product of chlorination of methane in the sun light is ? $$CHCl_{3}$$ $$CH_{3}C_{2}$$ $$CH_{2}Cl_{2}$$ $$CCl_{3}$$ None 14. \(C_{6}H_{6})\ is very good industrial solvent for: $$CaCO_{3}$$ fats $$MgCl_{2}$$ $$NaCl$$ None 15. Choose which one from the given options is an incorrect statement. None Neopentane is 1,1-Dimethylpropane Tertiary (3º) butyl is 1,1-Dimethylethyl Isopentane is 2-methylbutane None 16. During halogenation of alkanes, the halogens and alkane show a specific trend. Which of the following statements is not correct? Bromine is less reactive than chlorine towards a particular alkane. The reactivity of halogens is in the order $$F_{2}>Cl_{2}>Br_{2}>I_{2}$$ On chlorination monosubstituted product is formed while on bromination disubstituted products are formed. For a given halogen the reactivity of hydrocarbon is in the order of 3º>2º>1º None 17. Cis-dicholoroethylene can be converted to trans-dicholorethylene by irradiations. During the interconversion. Only the 𝜋 bond is broken and reformed The C−Cl and C−H bonds are broken, H and Cl atoms interchanges their positions and new bonds are formed Both the 𝜋 and 𝜎 bonds are broken and reformed Both the 𝜋and σ bonds rotate along with the groups None 18. Saturated Hydrocarbons contain ionic bonds single bonds triple bonds double bonds None 19. Chlorination of alkanes is a photochemical process. It is initiated by the process of: pyrolysis homolysis heterolysis hydrolysis None 20. Which of these is not a characteristic of aromatic Hydrocarbons? they may contain double bonds carbon atoms form a an open chain they are special type of cyclic compounds carbon atoms form a closed chain or ring None Time's up Please Share This Share this content Opens in a new window Opens in a new window Opens in a new window Opens in a new window Opens in a new window Opens in a new window Opens in a new window Opens in a new window Opens in a new window Opens in a new window Leave a Reply Cancel replyCommentEnter your name or username to commentEnter your email address to commentEnter your website URL (optional) Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment.