Free Detailed Assessment on IELTS Writing Tasks


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Chapter Wise Notes, Question with Answer, MCQ Test, Self Assessment

Chapter Wise Notes, Question with Answer, MCQ Test, Self Assessment

ChapterTest Type
Synonyms and Antonyms
Nouns and ProNouns
Reported Speech
Verb Concord
Commands and Request
Articles and Preposition
verb and Phrasal Verbs
Voices and Narration
Conjuction and Determiner
Spoken and Written Expression; Punctuation
Adverbs and Adjective

Writing Task 2
You should spend about 40 minutes on this task.

Write at least 250 words.

Choosing a Profession : Who Should Decide ?

Deciding on a profession be one of the most significant choice in a young person ‘s life . There be a debate on whether young people should select their career themselves or if their parent should make this decision for them . Both perspective have valid point , which will be discuss in this essay , follow by my own opinion .

On one hand , allow young people to choose their profession can lead to more fulfilling career . Young individual be more likely to be passionate and motivate about a profession they have select themselves . This intrinsic motivation can drive them to work harder and achieve great success . Moreover , young people today have good access to information about various career option through the internet and career counseling service . They can research and explore different field , which can help them make more informed decision about their future .

On the other hand , parent often have more life experience and can provide valuable guidance to their child . They might have a good understanding of the job market and can steer their child towards profession that be more stable and lucrative . Additionally , parent may have insight into their child ‘s strength and weakness , help them to choose a profession where they be more likely to succeed . In many culture , respect parental guidance and decision be an important value , and go against their wish might create familial conflict .

However , it be essential to strike a balance between these two view . While parental advice be valuable , it should not override the young person ‘s interest and passion . Forced career choice can lead to dissatisfaction and lack of motivation , which might hinder professional growth and personal happiness . Ideally , parent and young people should engage in open discussion about career option . Parents can provide their insight and suggestion , while the young person can express their interest and aspiration . This collaborative approach can help in make a well-rounded decision that take into account both practical consideration and personal passion .

In conclusion , while parent can offer valuable guidance , young people should have the primary say in choose their profession . A combined approach , where both party share their perspective , can lead to more informed and satisfy career choice . Ultimately , it be crucial that young people be allow to follow their passion and interest to achieve long-term success and happiness in their professional life .

You have addressed the question and discussed both views as required. Your position is clear, and you have presented relevant main ideas. However, some points could be further developed for clarity.

Your essay is well-structured with a logical flow of ideas. You have used cohesive devices effectively, but there are occasional issues with cohesion within and between sentences. Overall, the essay is easy to follow.

You have used a good range of vocabulary relevant to the topic. However, there are noticeable errors in spelling and word formation. Try to vary your word choice and avoid repetition to enhance your score.

You have attempted complex sentences, which is good. However, there are frequent grammatical errors, including issues with verb tense, subject-verb agreement, and sentence structure. Focus on improving these areas for a higher score.

Errors and Corrections:

  1. Deciding on a profession be one of the most significant choice in a young person ‘s life.
    • Error: “be” should be “is” and “choice” should be “choices”.
    • Correction: Deciding on a profession is one of the most significant choices in a young person’s life.
  2. There be a debate on whether young people should select their career themselves or if their parent should make this decision for them.
    • Error: “be” should be “is”, “career” should be “careers”, and “parent” should be “parents”.
    • Correction: There is a debate on whether young people should select their careers themselves or if their parents should make this decision for them.
  3. On one hand , allow young people to choose their profession can lead to more fulfilling career.
    • Error: “allow” should be “allowing” and “career” should be “careers”.
    • Correction: On one hand, allowing young people to choose their profession can lead to more fulfilling careers.
  4. Young individual be more likely to be passionate and motivate about a profession they have select themselves.
    • Error: “individual” should be “individuals”, “be” should be “are”, “motivate” should be “motivated”, and “select” should be “selected”.
    • Correction: Young individuals are more likely to be passionate and motivated about a profession they have selected themselves.
  5. They might have a good understanding of the job market and can steer their child towards profession that be more stable and lucrative.
    • Error: “child” should be “children”, “profession” should be “professions”, and “be” should be “are”.
    • Correction: They might have a good understanding of the job market and can steer their children towards professions that are more stable and lucrative.
  6. Additionally , parent may have insight into their child ‘s strength and weakness , help them to choose a profession where they be more likely to succeed.
    • Error: “parent” should be “parents”, “child” should be “children”, “strength” should be “strengths”, “weakness” should be “weaknesses”, and “be” should be “are”.
    • Correction: Additionally, parents may have insight into their children’s strengths and weaknesses, helping them to choose a profession where they are more likely to succeed.
  7. In many culture , respect parental guidance and decision be an important value , and go against their wish might create familial conflict.
    • Error: “culture” should be “cultures”, “respect” should be “respecting”, “decision” should be “decisions”, “be” should be “is”, and “go” should be “going”.
    • Correction: In many cultures, respecting parental guidance and decisions is an important value, and going against their wishes might create familial conflict.
  8. However , it be essential to strike a balance between these two view.
    • Error: “be” should be “is” and “view” should be “views”.
    • Correction: However, it is essential to strike a balance between these two view

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